
Sunday 14 November 2010

Number Shaped Card

I am feeling very lost at the moment, my Pazzles machine is sick and gone back to the supplier to be looked at. Hopefully, very soon I will have some news of it's return as I have heaps of Christmas cards waiting to be cut!!

In the meantime I have tided my crafting desk, done some blog hopping, and left some comments. Tonight I have looked through some recent photos of projects that I previously have not had time to upload on my blog.

So here is one I made before my Pazzles went to the Doctors!

One of the teachers at school was turning 50 years old a few weeks ago and my colleagues wanted me to make a card for her with the number 50 on the front. I had my reservations because I new the teacher concerned was not happy about the BIG FIVE ZERO!!!

Anyhow I tried, but I am not completely happy with it.


  1. I am completely happy with it! LOL!Great color combo and love all the texture and dimension.

  2. What a gorgeous card Joanna.

    Hugs Riet.x

  3. No Pazzles Jo - OMG! - I don't think I would survive without my 'baby' - I think this card is lovely and straight to the point! Pauline x

  4. Beautiful card Jo, just found your blog, and love your work. No pazzles..... I hope you get it back soon I could not live without mine.

  5. love the card - sorry about your pazzles - hope you get it back soon!!! Dee x

  6. I love the softness of the card. Very pretty and love all your projects and your blog. I'm now a new follower and can't wait to see what you create next!!!!
